DIY face masks

I've never been one for those peel-off face masks you get at drugstores, but when a face mask is vegan, healthy and natural, I'm the most avid fan! These 3 face masks are really simple to make, each using only 2 common household ingredients. Also, they each provide different, yet equally fantastic benefits. Feel free to... Continue Reading →

My makeup collection and declutter

I'm not much of a makeup person and so my collection currently consists of only 38 items. Despite this, before my first makeup declutter, I had over 100 items! Of course, the majority of which I never used. And so, since I don't use makeup very often I thought that I'd do another purge since there... Continue Reading →

My top 10 coconut oil uses

Coconut oil is incredibly versatile, and so it's perfect for use in many of my day-to-day products. It also has an almost endless list of health benefits and it's not just for eating. It has various other properties, which can improve the health of your mouth, skin and hair. These are some of my favourite ways to... Continue Reading →

Fave cruelty-free & vegan shower products

It’s been a long journey, but I’ve finally discovered the perfect shower products. For me, the products that have worked best aren't the most expensive or the salon ones, but the affordable and more natural ones. Cheap, effective and natural. Not to mention, cruelty-free and vegan. What’s not to love? For my hair, I use... Continue Reading →

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