September faves

This is a throwback. I haven't done a faves post in months! I don't think I'll make this a monthly thing 'cause not enough exciting stuff happens in my life to have that sort of series. Haha. But, there were quite a few good things that happened last month, so I really wanted to write... Continue Reading →

October favourites

Hello, everyone! I hope you've had a lovely October. Did you have a good Halloween? My partner and I carved pumpkinsā€“can you guess who's the cat one is? Anyway, it's that time of the month again where I share a few of my faves. I hope you enjoy! xo Exercise The gym I go to... Continue Reading →

June favourites

Happy July, everyone! Have you had a good month? What have you been up to? It was my birthday last month and now I'm in a new decade of my life. I feel like I'm getting old! I haven't done anything for my birthday yet, but I'll probably go out for a meal with my... Continue Reading →

April favourites

Happy May, everyone! Have you enjoyed your long weekend? It's the start of a new month and so I wanted to share with you some stuff that I loved in April.

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